Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Guides at Carlsbad Caverns - 1963

What a group! (This photo was taken a few months after I left to my next assignment). Some of these people went on to full Park Service careers while others went off into other "endeavors".

Bob Kaune (far right in the middle row) left the NPS after a several years, and started his own business selling antique tools. With the arrival of digital cameras, he took up fine art photography as well (See Websites and Blogs section on left hand side of this page).

Bob Barbee (second from the right in the top row) went on to spend his entire career in the National Park Service, and ultimately retired from the position of the NPS Alaska Regional Director.

The three ladies pictured were local town of Carlsbad folks who stayed in the NPS but choose to remain guides at the Caverns. Also pictured is Harry During, the Park Superintendent at the time (second from the left in the front row).

1 comment:

Bob said...


I'm Bob Hoff. Worked at CAVE almost 19 years of my 33 years in NPS. Last job--Park Historian. I have a blog at

I worked 1971-72 and 1987-2003. Met and married my wife there, CHris Fernandez, niece to Claude Fernandez. Manny Cortez was my supervisor.

Keep up the good work.
